theconbonz turns 1

Dear my lovely readers,

Theconbonz has officially turned 1! I still remember when I first started this blog, I started out of pure passion and excitement in creating something that will allow me to get in touch with family and friends. But like most bloggers I, too, went through many phases. I may have only blogged for a short 12 months, but I can tell you that I’ve been through the “only numbers” phase, the beauty blogger phase, the music blogger phase, the “nonsense blogger” phase, the design changing phase, as well as the “annoying promoter” phase. I can’t say that I’ve completely cleansed myself of all these past identities, but I can say that I’ve at least managed to discover the true blogger I want to become.

I’ve returned to my roots. This blog will only be about me, my life, my obsessions. Anything I find worth sharing will be shared. No more nonsense, irrelevant posts that don’t match my blogging intentions. But I guess, writing irrelevant posts isn’t all bad. We can see it as one of the things that help us all grow. It was a stepping stone. It was these irrelevant posts that allowed me to become who I am today, one year later from the birth of theconbonz. But there’s definitely more to this.

During this short time I’ve researched a lot, read a lot, thought a lot, and met a lot. What do I mean? Well, I’ve mentioned this many times before, but I truly think that in order to improve you have to expose yourself. You can’t sit there in bed waiting for some awesome opportunity to hit you. If you want to be that blogger, you got to find your way there first. There were many sleepless nights just trying to discover the “real” way to blog. I can’t possibly enumerate how many minutes I’ve spent on this. But after all that researching and reading, I thought. I pieced together each idea to create what has become of me today. Not perfect, but getting there. As for “met a lot.” I’ve definitely “met a lot” of inspirational bloggers. Just on the top of my head – Michelle, Winnie, Stephanie, and Joana. I really have to give them my biggest thanks. Huge hugs and kisses!!

And to end this bit of a lengthy post, I shall say that after reading Joana’s list for 101 things in 1001 days, I’ve decided to start a list myself. It’ll be lots of fun, so please join me in on it. I’ll be talking more about this series I’m starting in the next post. Until then, thank you for sticking with me during this past year.  And if your new, please hop on board; let's have some tea together.


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