After paying a little visit to Tian An Men, we headed straight for 北京烤鴨, otherwise known as Peking Duck!! (Ha! 北京烤鴨 seriously reminds me of how our dance group literally shouted that out loud in the street as we were heading towards this restaurant... kindda embarrassing but feels awesome!)

This place seriously went all the way with the details... just look at the interior decor! 

Maybe I'm wrong... but Lady's is a bit weird?

Cute little swan!! But I think that's a duck instead huh? Since we're eating Peking duck.

Oh, and let the food porn begin!! #foodporn

Yes, the main dish... this is only one plate of the 8 plates we ordered... Mmm... I'm drooling as I type this... So freakin' good!

To be honest, I really don't know why I took a picture of the condiments. Think it was because one of my friends saw me taking all those food porn pics and just got really enthusiastic about food photography... Hmm looks good though!

So... glutinous dessert and then healthy fruits! :) All balanced out.

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