Hey there! Been pretty busy lately with all the homework from summer school, but let's not bring school life into this, shall we? This past weekend, my family and I took a trip to IKEA to take a look at the couches available there. And yes, we did in fact end up purchasing one. Finally! We can finally sit on something nice and comfy in the living room! Yayy!

During our time in IKEA, I had to take a look at the kids' section. Oh my gosh, just look at all those plushies! Every kid's dreamland... including mine :)

Mr. Broccoli is just really really really cute! If I could, I would've taken it home, but to be honest even if I did I wouldn't know where to put him... But super cute and adorable... and well delicious looking. OK, I like broccoli. I'll admit it. They're awesome!

Enjoyed a very large lunch at the IKEA restaurant. Everything was absolutely delish! Favorite dishes? Have to be the meatballs (as you can see the dish is pretty much empty) and the chocolate cake. Yummy in my belly. 

Can't leave a post without the most adorable Pudding, right? Look at her. She really wanted that chasiubao really bad. Oh but too bad I couldn't give it to her. Sorry baby!


Waddle. Waddle. Waddle


 Mmmmmm.... Spicy Korean Tofu with rice.... Abosolutely heavenly.

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